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It’s Time to Take Back your Health
and Live your BEST Life Now!
Here’s How…



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

When it comes to navigating your health, if that journey includes Hashimoto’s, a thyroid condition, hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, or many other autoimmune conditions as well, such as celiac disease, information simply isn’t enough.

You need to have a step-by-step plan.

Even finding the information you need is like looking for a needle in a haystack. What is true? What is valid? How do you know?

I’ve spent years developing such a plan so that you can take back your health, and live your best life now…

Discover my step-by-step plan to transform your thyroid health through my Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program.

Wondering if this is for you?

  • Do you face great discouragement or even depression at times, wondering if you’ll ever get better?
  • Is your hair thinning all over and you’re worried you won’t have much left?
  • Have doctors tried and failed to help you? Or have they told you it’s all in your head?
  • Have your antibodies gone through the roof and you have no clue what to do next?
  • Do you feel like your energy is at a zero, and you can’t even do the simple things in life, like get the mail, walk the dog, go to work, go to a party?
  • Has anxiety taken over your life?
  • Are your friends and family frustrated with you? Or constantly worried about you?
  • Do you feel disempowered about your health, like it’s out of your control?
  • Have you been to numerous doctors, allergists, endocrinologists, even natural doctors, who don’t know what to do with you…

If any of this sounds familiar… it’s time to take control of your health journey and write a new chapter in your story.

I’m Dr. Izabella Wentz, and even having a degree in pharmacology did not save me from years of misdiagnosis by doctors and misinformation from experts. Finding a path out of Hashimoto’s and thyroid illness became my focus (and success story), and finding a way to share everything I discovered became my mission.

I’ve written four best-selling books, launched three companies (including a training for practitioners), and created a line of supplements to support and empower people with thyroid disease to take back their health, and still I knew something was missing.

I began to systematize the steps and summarize all of the solutions that I knew could change lives into one place – I created a PROGRAM to take you from suffering – to celebrating. Because this life is a gift, and helping you to unwrap it, with renewed health, is my highest privilege.

This life-changing course includes:

  • 12 self-paced online modules focused on recognizing your triggers, with practical solutions for eliminating them and feeling better
  • A quick search Q&A database with 1000+ questions asked by past program participants
  • Root Cause Assessment based on hundreds of clients’ root causes and triggers
  • 2-week printable meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists to get you started on a healing diet
  • … and so much more to support you in your journey!



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

I’ve guided thousands of people along their health journeys through blog posts on my website, and my books, Hashimoto’s: The Root Cause, Hashimoto’s Protocol, Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology, and Adrenal Transformation Protocol.

But if you are REALLY ready to heal and need and want more guidance – like someone who has BEEN there to take you through the entire journey – then my tried and tested Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program is here for you. Every single day it is helping people recover their health and lives!

“I have Hashimotos and hypothyroidism along with asthma and migraines. I wasn’t sure in the beginning if this course would help. Let me tell you it did and still is. You learn so much information including reports and downloads that you can keep forever. There is information on medication as well as supplement options and other things that affect Hashimotos. My digestive issues have completely gone away. No more stomach pain and energy during the day has doubled. Thank you for this amazing program that is a life changing gift to anyone who uses it.” – Wendy L.



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

Before I outline this self-paced course, so that you know it covers what YOU need, I want to share some RESULTS.

  • 97% improved their knowledge of Hashimoto’s
  • 81% improved/resolved their depression
  • 80% reduced their stomach pain
  • 75% reduced their joint pain
  • 74% improved their fatigue
  • 73% reduced their TSH levels
  • 71% improved their acid reflux
  • 63% reduced their brain fog
  • 61% reduced their irritability
  • 58% reduced their forgetfulness
  • 56% reduced their TPO antibodies
  • 54% reduced their palpitations
  • 53% improved their weight loss
  • 52% improved their morning fatigue
  • 50% reduced their night sweats
  • 50% reduced their hair loss
  • 45% improved their insomnia
  • 44% reduced their TG antibodies
  • 42% improved their nervousness/anxiety

The numbers blew my mind!

This course is about impacting lives and helping women (and men) who have gone through what I have.

“…it was incredibly informative and empowering. Isabella Wentz is so positive in the way she presents the material, and that is a large part of the draw.  I continue to refer back to the information on my “healing journey”. Even if you have stubborn symptoms like I do, you will be able to make progress in some way with this course! Most importantly, you will be empowered to take charge of your own health with the knowledge Dr. Wentz presents in an amazingly positive and understandable way!” – Kristin

“Before I started the program I was always constipated and tired with aching all over, couldn’t hardly sleep at night. Since then I have cut out things in my diet like caffeine, sugar dairy and gluten. They were all literally harming me and I didn’t even know it. I thank God for Dr. Wentz and this program has changed my life. I was so depressed and miserable I can finally get back to my life and achieving my goals!” – Bonita F.

The most painful thing for me as a healer and empath is to watch people drowning and not being able to convince them that they can just stand up and heal themselves.

When I was at my lowest point, and really struggling with hopelessness – afraid I would never get better – my mom came to my house and said, “Izabella, don’t give up. Get better so you can help others get better too.” My mom is an amazing healer, and living up to her legacy and that idea she planted, has become my mission in life.

I’m here, and I want to help, because I know how devastating it is to be sick.

So are you ready to check out the course? Are you afraid you can’t afford it? Hear my heart, this is probably the most valuable, least expensive healing opportunity you’ve seen so far! Many people in my community have spent tens of thousands of dollars and not been given a simple step-by-step plan, like you will find here.

It took my pharmacist’s brain, and a ton of self-experimentation to get myself well. And it took YEARS.

I have recovered my health, and I know you can recover your health too.

And it doesn’t have to take years. You can lean into my journey and use this course to create your best life and health.



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

What is the Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program?

If you’re looking for a deep, focused dive into addressing Hashimoto’s and the many symptoms you may be challenged with, I’m 1000% confident that this program can help you.

I spent a large part of 2014 developing this program with my clients, and then tested the program with over 1,000 participants in 2015 and 2016. Since then, thousands of others have completed the program and changed their lives. I’ve also upgraded the content year after year, adding resources and information, every time I learn something new that could help you too! 🙂

You will have access to the online course for an entire year, AND you can download the materials to use whenever YOU need them, at your pace. So, there’s no need to feel overwhelmed by the amount of material… take your time and heal at your own pace.

To make sure the content in this course is as effective as it can be, I even hired a professional interviewer to spend 40 hours interviewing 20 people who have taken the course to learn about their experience.

Here’s just some of what people have said:

“By taking this course I made a commitment to myself and to my healing. I decided to try anything that would help me and not let money be a factor. I am so glad I did. I learned I am in remission and my current goal is to heal and repair the damage. I feel empowered. With the knowledge I acquired in the course, I have the necessary information to take my healing into my own hands. I so appreciate Dr. Wentz’s ability to inform and teach us about this dis-ease and how to overcome it.” – Meg M.

“Dr. Wentz’s program is extremely helpful. Very easy to follow, comprehensive and inspiring. I’ve gone back to it over and over, and always find one more thing that helps.” – Janice I.

“Dr. Wentz’s course is like a personal consultation with her.” – Roxanne C.

“The Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program gave me a game plan to tailor to my needs. All the food suggestions helped me realize that I was nutrient deficient although I always thought I was eating healthy. The course was well thought out and very helpful.” – Jane B.

Even if you’ve been on this journey for a while – and tried “everything” out there – my program can help.

Look, many of my participants were already super knowledgeable. Some of them had been navigating Hashimoto’s for decades, many were working with functional medicine practitioners, and some of them were even practitioners themselves before they started the course!

“This is the best program for dealing with Hashimoto’s and the best option for overcoming this disease and all your symptoms. I have been in the health field for over 10 years and this is the most comprehensive autoimmune program I have seen. It is beneficial to anyone wanting to improve their health.” – Danielle D.

“Having extensive medical and research background and experience, why did I chose this course? Because I wanted to achieve functional healing, I wanted to achieve stable remission. Because I wanted to learn from the person who achieved that herself. Because it was created by a person who lived Hashimoto’s through every angle possible: the patient, the pharmacist, traditionally trained medical professional and functional medicine specialist and researcher. Every one of these credentials influenced and determined the value and the quality of the materials presented in the program. Dr. Izabella was digging with fierce determination for her own health while discovering secrets and obtaining the jewels of healing remedies. In the program she shared the tried and proven by her own self, the protocols, which save time , energy, money. The program is very well laid out and easy to follow. There are no nonsense. It educates well and spares from disappointments and mistakes. After taking the program I am very grateful to Dr. Izabella for offering it and I can say with confidence that I was very lucky to find it and I made the best decision for my health to take it. Thank you very much Dr. Izabella Wentz for caring, creating and sharing.” – Tatiana

I came up with the idea for this course as a result of my years in public health.

Multiple studies were done on a self-management program for people with diabetes, and every single one of them found that the patients who took the self-management program and worked with their practitioners had significantly better health outcomes than those who just worked with their practitioners!

Furthermore, my Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program reduced the patient’s dependency on practitioners. (Imagine the $$$ and time saved!)

This is what I want to give you: empowerment, as well as a way to manage your own condition.

Functional medicine practitioners who specialize in Hashimoto’s are few and far between (not to mention expensive). And many have long waiting lists, so it’s not always possible for someone to have 10-12 sessions with a functional medicine practitioner, which is generally what it takes to reverse a condition.

This is where my program comes in…



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

What’s Inside the Program…

You’ll start with the Root Cause Assessment, a comprehensive assessment based on my experience in working with people with Hashimoto’s, that will predict your risk of potential root causes, so that you can prioritize your interventions and tests. The first half of the course is focused on strengthening your body, to prepare for healing. The second part of the course focuses on addressing your triggers, to eliminate root causes and symptoms, once and for all.

You’ll Get Access to All 12 Modules:

1. Testing 
Save time and money. Find out which labs you need. (And which ones you don’t!)

2. Mindset
Best practices to reduce the effects of stress in your life (think relaxing and low-cost).

3. Medications
Optimal medications that work for most patients. (Plus the right dosage for your body!)

4. Liver Support
Gently clear pathways and refresh the liver, so your body can heal itself.

5. Food
Take an in-depth look at which foods help, and which ones harm, your body.

6. Nutrient Depletions
How to choose the right supplements (and discover if you’re lacking key nutrients).

7. Antibodies & Nodules
Learn what they are, why they are important, and how to reduce them.

8. Adrenals
Adrenal fatigue may be limiting your ability to get well. Learn how to recover from it and get better faster!

9. Dental Triggers
The little known triggers that pack a punch in the Hashimoto’s recovery journey.

10. Infections
Pinpointing if you have one or more infections is critical in your health journey.

11. Gut Healing
Heal your gut so you can process nutrients the way your body should!

12. Next Steps
Now that you’re feeling better, learn how to stay in remission!

Each Digital Module Includes:

  • Video lessons with yours truly, to guide you through the program, step-by-step
  • Slides, transcripts and audio, so you can review the information at your own pace, in your own way
  • Individual assessments to further pinpoint your unique triggers and root causes
  • Workbooks with key goals and information, to help you stay on track
  • Handouts with additional activities and resources, for deeper healing

When you sign-up for the Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program, you’ll receive:

  • 600 Question Root Cause Assessment + Results Guide – $295 value
  • 12 Self-Paced Online Modules – $1200 value
  • 7 Root Cause Guides – $119 value
  • 15 Symptom Solution Guides – $405 value
  • 12 Individual Assessments to help you heal – $220 value
  • Q&A Database with 1000+ questions answered – $500 value
  • Bonus: 11 Interviews from the Hashimoto’s Institute – $110 value
  • Bonus: 560 Hashimoto’s-Friendly Recipes + Meal Plans & Shopping Lists – $200 value

Total Value = $3049
Your Cost = $495

Get instant access with an easy one-time payment OR choose our payment plan option and get the same benefits – with three low-cost installments. 



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

money back

Lastly, if for whatever reason, you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, and you want a refund, all you have to do is email our customer service department at info@thyroidpharmacist.com. Simply let us know within 30 Days, and we’ll get back to you within 24–48 business hours. This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

Each person’s path is unique to them, and I believe that what you are going through can be life-changing not only for you – but for those around you. I invite you to take this next step in your journey. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Will you join me?



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

“After following the recommendations I have lost weight and feel better than I have in years. I’ve struggled for so long with Hashimoto’s and thought there was nothing else I could do to help myself. Thanks to Dr. Wentz I feel I have gained the knowledge to take control of my health. I’m so grateful. I highly recommend this course. It’s been life changing.” – Annie H.

The entire course is less than the price of ONE session with a functional medicine practitioner, and each module is the equivalent of 2-3 sessions with a functional medicine practitioner.

That’s how much learning is packed in here.


Taking my course will help you figure out how to get yourself better, and how to best utilize your doctor (even if he/she is not trained in integrative or functional medicine).

You’ll also have access to labs* and assessments that are only available to functional medicine providers so that you can take charge of your own health!

I teach you to be more resilient so that you can face life’s health challenges and take back your power. You’re already more powerful than you think, and your body can heal itself if given the right support.

“When I took this course I had faced back to back surgeries for a cancer that was stage one but the surgeries really wiped me out and set me back and I could not seem to get my energy level back. Anytime I try to go back to a regular exercise routine I would end up crashing and going to the hospital for fluids. And I wasn’t pushing very hard. I really enjoyed setting my own pace for this course. I was able to watch her weekly portions on the weekends. I love the way that she had all of her supplements listed in a guide with guidance and explanations for each supplement as well as time frames one might take the supplement. Several of her recommendations alone changed my whole way of life in my activity level which is what I was desperately needing. Before I took this course I was crashing often and was not able to go to the gym and now I’m able to participate in a gym routine at least 4 to 5 times a week now which was my goal. I will definitely be taking the principles of this program to heart for the rest of my life. It was so comprehensive- even the mouth care makes a huge positive impact. For the cost it is a very good investment. No price can set on getting your life back. And it’s so important to me that she has medical education as well as having Hashimoto’s and at such a young age struggling for so long. I really trusted who she was.” – Erika W.

While I’ve studied the best medications during my pharmacist training (and I’ll teach you how to utilize those to your benefit), I have also found that there are many natural and safe treatments that can work even better than most medications.

One woman told me that she saw more improvements in the three months of taking the course than she had in three years of working with her integrative doctor! This is not to say the doctor is to blame, but rather that empowered patients are more likely to have better outcomes!

Helping you to discover that your body is a healing machine – that it can turn around – that your life can be wonderful – that has become my vision and my mission.

One participant recently sent me this update:

“Before I took this course, I had lost hope that I could ever feel like I used to. I was on a path to nowhere, not caring about my health anymore because I thought there was nothing I could do. This course inspired me to think about it differently and be a true advocate for my health. I learned I didn’t have to accept that I was always going to feel crappy and symptomatic.

I was able to not only identify the triggers, but was able to implement a way to stay away from those triggers effectively. I have reduced my anxiety, joint pain, and have improved my diet significantly. I realized I wasn’t taking care of myself, but this program helped me to learn that that’s the only thing I’ve got.

If I don’t take care of me, who will?” – Alyson B.



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.

One more thing I wanted to mention…

This program also comes with quite a few special bonuses in case you need a little extra encouragement to give this gift to yourself:

Optimizing our health starts with food. Figuring out which foods nourish us, and which ones cause us harm is the single most important thing we can learn in our health journey. You’ll receive access to weekly meal plans and shopping lists, loaded with Paleo, Autoimmune Paleo, Low FODMAP, and Anti-Candida recipes to help you on your journey. ($822 value)

The Hashimoto’s Program will be action focused, with an emphasis on implementation and strategies (the “how”). But, if you’re the kind of person that needs more information on theory, you’ll have access to 11 interviews from the Hashimoto’s Institute that will give you a better understanding of the “why’s” behind the recommended interventions. ($99 value)

I’ve developed a comprehensive symptom questionnaire from my clinical experience with Hashimoto’s that is meant to predict your risk of potential root causes. These will be divided into 3 categories: Low Risk (green), Intermediate Risk (yellow), and High Risk (red). ($19 value)

Of course it’s best to work with a practitioner, but through this course, you’ll have the opportunity to order your own labs. I will teach you which labs to order and how to interpret your own labs. (*Note: Some labs may not be available in certain states. Please visit Direct LabsMyMedLab, and Ulta Lab Tests for more details.)

I’ll teach you how to tailor supplements to your symptoms and lab tests, and you’ll also have the option to order high quality practitioner only supplements for a 10% discount. (Note: International availability may vary.)

That’s $940+ worth of bonuses!

FAQs About the Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program

Can I do the program if I am vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian?
Yes you can, however, please note that the most helpful diets for Hashimoto’s are based in the Paleo approach. That said, the program incorporates 11 modules focused on root causes, nutrient deficiencies, dental triggers, an impaired stress response, toxins, and chronic infections, which often lead to food sensitivities. Many of them are popular foods on plant-based diets (like gluten, grains, and soy), as well as vegetarian diets (dairy and eggs being the most common). I do ask participants to be open to changing their diets to find the most suitable diet for them – often, it’s not what we’re currently eating! However, if you’re not willing or able to change your diet, there are also 11 modules with recommendations beyond diet that you’re likely to benefit from.

Can I do the program if I live outside of the U.S.?
Yes! We’ve had participants from all over the world, including Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia. We have developed an international resource guide that provides access to most of the labs and supplements discussed in the program.

Please note that your individual country may have importation taxes. Additionally, Thyroid Pharmacist does not have any control over third party lab or supplement sellers, and we are not able to impact their policies on returns, shipping speed, legality, availability, or tariffs.

If you are in the U.S. and order from Rootcology, we can assist with policy, order, shipping, and other questions at info@rootcology.com. Rootcology supplements have a 30-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee – if, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with a Rootcology product, it may be returned within 30 days of purchase for a full refund, minus shipping/handling fees. (Return shipping is paid by the customer.)

I live in Canada. Will I be able to get the tests/supplements needed for the program?
Yes, we have set up a Canadian-specific list of recommended supplements and labs for clients in Canada to ensure that they have access to all of the healing resources they need.

I live in Europe. Will I be able to get the tests/supplements needed for the program?
Yes, we have set up relationships with European-based dispensaries and lab providers to ensure that the majority of the tests and supplements discussed in the program can be obtained by European clients. Please consider your country’s importation taxes as well as the currency exchange rate.

Do you offer payment plans?
Yes, we have recently added a new checkout option, so you can join the program with three monthly payments! You will still get access to the portal and course materials right away, and can begin at any time. This is a great option for those who are on a budget, or are otherwise unable to invest in the full cost of the course, at one time.

Do you provide meal planning and shopping lists?
Definitely! The course comes with bonus recipe eBooks that include 500+ recipes, meal plans, and shopping lists, tailored to the diets I’ve found most helpful for those with Hashimoto’s, to take the headache out of grocery shopping.

Can I do the modules at a slower pace?
Yes. You will have access to the program for an entire year from your purchase date, however, you can download the materials to your device to access them at any time.

I have Hypothyroidism, can your course help me?
Yes. The course is tailored to Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, and will be helpful for other autoimmune conditions as well, such as celiac disease which may have not responded to a gluten-free diet.

Do you provide details on supplement and medication dosage in the program?
Yes! I have a module on medication that discusses various thyroid medications, dosing, and conversions from different medications. I also have multiple assessments for nutrient depletions that will help you determine which nutrients may be deficient, as well as a list of recommended supplement brands and dosages. PLUS, you’ll receive a 10% discount on supplements through my recommended suppliers, with the course.

Can I take this program if I have another autoimmune condition?
You are welcome to take it! While the program is designed specifically for Hashimoto’s, it is focused on using and interpreting your own lab tests, which can help you determine your individual root causes, allowing you to know the necessary steps to get other autoimmune conditions into remission. The thing about autoimmune conditions is that different individuals may express different conditions, based on their genes and other bio-individual factors. For example, one person with mold exposure may develop asthma, another eczema, and another Hashimoto’s, while yet another may develop autism.

When does the program start? Can I begin when I want?
The course is open for enrollment right now. You will get access to the first module as soon as you sign up, and then one new module will be sent to you each week. While I will offer the course again, the price may be higher. If you choose to enroll in the course now, you’ll have access to the course for one full year with the option to download the materials, so you can go through it when it’s convenient for you.

My TSH is high, but all other levels are normal. Will the program help me?
Yes. There are 5 stages to thyroid disease. A person with only thyroid antibodies and normal TSH is considered in Stage 2 of thyroid disease, a person who has an elevated TSH with normal T4/T3, with or without thyroid antibodies, is in Stage 3 of thyroid disease, a person with elevated TSH and lowered T4/T3 is in Stage 4 of thyroid disease, regardless if they have thyroid antibodies or not. Stage 5 is when the person progresses to other types of autoimmune disease. The course is focused on reversing and slowing/stopping the progression of the condition in all stages and is appropriate for all levels of thyroid disease.

What is the cost of labs and supplements for the program?
The program is designed for each individual to tailor the approach to their own health, rather than everyone using a supplement kit as we do in our live programs. We focus on prioritizing labs and supplements based on individual symptoms and goals, and provide information to help you save money on labs and supplements. With that said, here are some stats from a survey of past participants, to give you a better idea.


  • Around 1/3 of people did not spend any money on labs
  • 1/3 spent $100-$300
  • 1/3 spent above $300


  • Around 9% did not use any supplements
  • 8% spent under $100
  • 28% spent $100-300
  • 30% spent $300-500
  • 25% spent above $500

If my doctor won’t order the tests in the program, can I order my own tests?*
Yes! The first module will go over all of the root cause tests that I recommend, including the standard tests most likely covered on your insurance, as well as advanced functional medicine testing that may not be covered.

Your Root Cause Assessment results will help you prioritize which of the functional medicine tests you’ll need to get. You’ll have the option to order all of the recommended tests for a big discount, through my lab testing portals! (*Please note: some labs may not be available in certain states, such as NJ, NY, and RI, due to state regulations.)

I hope these questions are helpful for you. To enroll in the Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program, click here.

What others are saying about the Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program:

“This is a valuable course and worth every penny. I trust the information from the Thyroid Pharmacist because of her medical and pharmaceutical knowledge but also because she has experienced the thyroid condition herself. She is able to explain in layman’s terms why the symptoms occur and how to improve them. She backs up all her information with data, research and experts so you know it’s not just her opinion.” – Angela

I saw about 90% reduction in symptoms. My tp antibodies surely have been reduced because my hair and nails are regrowing, headaches are seldom, energy level increased. These are wonderful outcomes but the the most significant benefit is in the knowledge i have acquired about Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. You empowered me to heal myself when no conventional physician could. It was my chiropractor who told me I had Hashimoto’s. He didn’t have a protocol for it but at least he pointed me in the right direction.” – Louisa H.

“This course is a ‘company’ for anyone with thyroid issues.  Once you experience a path that you walk with someone, everything changes. I am not longer alone in my journey!  Excellent course and personal experience!” – Amarilys

“Honestly I can’t say enough great things about the course. There is so much information here that I just was not getting from my physician. I was “sick and tired of being sick and tired” and I needed a battle plan to get ME back and I found that here. Since implementing the journal and going through the processes of elimination I feel nearly myself again. I am still on the journey to healing and I will go through each module again because I know I can learn more the second time through and keep gaining ground to being the wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend that I want to be again.” – Kristen

“You will never get a fraction of this information from any physician. The course convinced me I can improve my thyroid related problems. I looked forward each week to the next module to see how strong it related to my experience and how I may apply it to minimize damage and avoid addition autoimmune problems.” – Sharon H.

“I started out skeptical about this program and even delayed starting by 2 weeks. Once I set my mind to it, I took the “me time” everyday to read, research and plan for the upcoming day. I had no idea that there could be so many resources available to someone with an autoimmune disorder that I had never heard of until I myself was diagnosed. It took me some time to adjust my ways, but with everything given to me and the support of my physician, I made it! I am enjoying life with energy, less panic attacks and sleeping soundly like I have not been able to in years.” – Kimberly H.

“This course has brought so much insight to many things that I had no idea where linked. This enabled me to take the reins in moving forward with my symptoms and try to get my health back. I am a work in progress, but I feel such relief just finally having answers and a plan of attack.” – Wendy

“I was feeling lost and alone and like I had no one to help with the Hashimoto’s symptoms. Following the program step by step helped me to focus on the issues that were really bad for me. The knowledge of how to order my own tests were especially helpful and eventually led me to find a doctor that finally understands me. Thank you so much for all of the work that you put into this program. It has changed my life.” – Melanie T.

“I loved this course as a great addition to your books, dear Dr. Wentz. Thank you very much! I followed the protocols and feel significant improvements. The brain fog has lifted! My memory has improved. I have less muscle pain, particularly after exercise. I have more energy and better sleep. I handle stress better. I lost weight. Why is most important, I feel great! Thank you for all your efforts in creating this resource. […]” –Marina V.

Here’s a Breakdown of What’s Included:

  • 600 Question Root Cause Assessment + Results Guide – $295 value
  • 12 Self-Paced Online Modules – $1200 value
  • 7 Root Cause Guides – $119 value
  • 15 Symptom Solution Guides – $405 value
  • 12 Individual Assessments to help you heal – $220 value
  • Q&A Database with 1000+ questions answered – $500 value
  • Bonus: 11 Interviews from the Hashimoto’s Institute – $110 value
  • Bonus: 560 Hashimoto’s-Friendly Recipes + Meal Plans & Shopping Lists – $200 value
  • Total Value = $3049
  • Your Cost = $495



If you decide that the program is not a good fit for you, I have a 30-day money back guarantee.
This will allow you to check out four complete modules.
